Dear Frank,
This past Friday night I found myself in a black hole of depression and I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the night. Not knowing where to turn and feeling like I couldn’t stop. I remembered seeing the Hopeline phone number (988) on PostSecret.
I talked to someone there for 2 and a half hours and I truly feel that they saved my life.
Thank you for the website, thank Hopeline (988) for being there, and thank the people that send in their postcards so that others know they are not alone with their secrets.
Dear Frank,
I wanted to say thank you for posting the email from Casie. I was also hoping you could pass along a message to her, as well. I want to thank her for having the courage to reach out for help and then share it with you and all of your readers, using her real name and even her picture. It’s definitely inspirational.
Every time I see the new secrets on Sunday, I scroll down to see Casie. For me (a mental health counselor) she balances out the bleak postcards and reminds me that people CAN come back from the brink of suicide. She is truly an angel; I can’t imagine how many people’s lives her story has saved over this past year. 😀
5 Ways Volunteering For A Crisis-Line Can Change Your Life

As soon as I jumped from the bridge, I had instant regret, all I wanted to do was reach back to the rail, but it was gone.
— Kevin Hines

The great thing about suicide is that it’s not one of those things you have to do now or you lose your chance. I mean, you can always do it later.
— Harvey Fierstein