Entitled sister-in-law demands her 10-year-old gets first pick at weekly family dinner party, brother-in-law snaps and puts her in her place: ‘[I used] my thundering voice’ – FAIL Blog

When you are a parent, you stand up for your kid, obviously. You always have their back and make sure that they can always come to you for help and to feel safe. That being said, they are still just kids, which means not every choice they make is the right choice—they’re still learning. Still be part of their team, of course, but make sure they also face the consequences of their actions. Or else they’ll grow up to be an entitled Karen. 


Unfortunately, entitled Karens are also mothers and tend to raise a little army of Karens along with her who either grow up continuing the Karen ways, or they have an epiphany and become better people and usually go no-contact with their entitled parent. Who knows what this 10-year-old is going to do when he grows up, but right now, he’s being backed up by a Karen mother and some of the family members have had enough. For example, her brother-in-law who has no problem speaking sternly to her. 

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