James Fox Discusses His Documentary THE PROGRAM

In a new AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SEGMENT, I will do something terrifically similar to what I did the last time I did this segment, and now that I’m reading that out loud I realize how ridiculous it sounds. Regardless, I once again enter the realm of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena and speak with a specialist about what the United States knows, what it doesn’t, and the barriers that are preventing it from disclosing its full knowledge to the public.

Let’s get one thing established right away: the conversation around alien visitation has changed. When I chatted with Disclosure Activist Stephen Bassett back in 2021, we weren’t discussing if these visitations were real but rather why we weren’t being told about them. Even the classification has changed – they’re no longer Unidentified Flying Objects but Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon, or UAPs. Our government has come clean about their interest in UAPs, largely due to military concerns, and they take sightings seriously. The Defense Department’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office was created to investigate unidentified anomalies to determine if they’re foreign or domestic, dangerous or innocuous, earthbound or alien. That part is transparent, but THE PROGRAM’s findings aren’t, and that is the subject of filmmaker James Fox’s new documentary, THE PROGRAM.

I chatted with James Fox, filmmaker of The Phenomenon, Moment of Contact, and I Know What I Saw, to discuss THE PROGRAM after viewing it, and though we were able to talk for quite a while, I didn’t really have that many questions. Not because the subject isn’t fascinating, but because the film answers so many of the questions I had, such as “Why isn’t one hand of our government talking to the other?” The only question that truly remains is “Where do we go from here?”

THE PROGRAM is available digitally now to stream on all your favorite services and you can click here to get right to it. My only regret is that I neglected to ask him what he makes of all the current drone activity in New Jersey. As a resident, if I go quiet for too long (which I am prone to do), please do inquire of me. Until next time, keep your eyes on the skies!

-McEric, aka Eric McClanahan-

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