Long Live Bone Crawford – The Bloggess

(Sorry I’ve been MIA. This week has been really hard. Sending love to anyone struggling.)

Last week we got a letter from our HOA chiding us that our Halloween decorations should have been removed in November, and that we would be fined if we didn’t remedy the 12-foot skeleton on our porch by today.

So we reluctantly got out the ladder and did the hard thing.

Although probably not the hard thing that they expected.

Happy Valentines, motherfucker.

PS. Originally we hung two of the pink circles on Bone Crawford’s chest, but from a distance they looked like nipples with enormous areolas. I thought it was fine and very body positive but Victor wasn’t as convinced so I removed one and now I’m second-guessing my capitulation because if the HOA was still furious then I could generously offer to remove the nipples to meet in the middle of “appropriateness” but I can’t convince Victor to bring the ladder back out just so we could add negotiating nipples to the 12 foot skeleton on the porch. These are the arguments you never expect to have when you get married.

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