Shelter veterinary technician catches fluffy feline co-worker snoozing on the job, cat immediately sentenced to cuddles and kisses as punishment for unprofessional behavior

Greetings and salutations, friends and feline enthusiasts! How often do you catch your cat sleeping on the job? Considering that cats can sleep upwards of 14 hours a day, we’d say it’s a pretty common occurrence! There’s a reason they coined the term cat nap, after all. These fluffy little snooze machines take their beauty rest seriously—and honestly, we respect that.

As a fellow lover of sleep, I totally understand the temptation to doze off while on the job. But at the end of the day, my family counts on me to bring home the tuna cans and pay the bills, so I proceed with caution. The fluffy feline we’re featuring today, on the other hand, has zero worries and was perfectly content letting his fellow shelter vet tech pick up the slack while he enjoyed a top-tier snooze fest. What an adorable interaction! We’d say this hardworking vet tech should just let this baby continue his nap—after all, he clearly needs the rest more than the original poster. Sweet dreams, little one!

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